Severance’s Real-Life Book ‘The You You Are’ Is as Wild as Expected!

If you’ve watched Severance, you definitely remember “The You You Are,” the so-called self-help book penned by Ricken, Mark’s insufferably pretentious brother-in-law. The good news is that it’s now available for real. The bad news (or good, depending on how much you enjoy irony) is that it’s only available in digital and audio formats.

A Spiritual Guide

In the Apple TV+ series, “The You You Are” serves as an eye-opener for the “severed” employees of Lumon Industries. Considering the quality of Ricken’s writing, this says a lot about their intellectual plight. The book includes such gems as “They can’t crucify you if your fist is clenched” or “A society with rotten workers cannot thrive, just as a man with decaying toes cannot jump.” Deep? Nonsensical? Perhaps a bit of both.

Apple Books has taken the liberty of publishing the first eight chapters of this new age wisdom masterpiece. They are available for free as an ebook or audiobook, narrated by Michael Chernus, the actor who portrays Ricken. However, a small downside: the book is barely 39 pages long.

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Attention, Spoiler Ahead

In Severance, this book becomes a pivotal element in the rebellion of the Innies. Lumon isn’t too pleased about a text that encourages its employees to start questioning things, so the company attempts to control its publication. The version on Apple Books plays into this, featuring an introductory note from Ricken explaining that the full release of the book was “delayed” due to “circumstances beyond his control.” In other words, Lumon (or Apple?) might have had a hand in it. It’s a humorous nod to the series’ themes.

A Clever Promotion for Season 2

Apple TV+ is no stranger to this kind of stunt. In 2022, “The Lexington Letter,” another book, also provided clues about Lumon. Here, “The You You Are” continues to blur the line between fiction and reality, all while ramping up excitement for Season 2 (which kicks off quite impressively, if I may say so!). It remains to be seen whether the entirety of the book will be revealed later, but perhaps its content will evolve with the series’ events.

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For now, the book is only available in English, but this article still serves as a reminder to dive into this series, if you haven’t already. Trust me, you’ve never seen a show quite like Severance!

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