Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, finally broke his silence following his recent arrest in France. In a message posted on Telegram on September 5th, Durov addressed the public for the first time since his lengthy detention and subsequent release under judicial supervision. He took the opportunity to defend his platform and challenge some of the criticisms that have been circulating.
While Durov admits that Telegram is not without flaws and could improve its communication with authorities, he disputes the portrayal of the platform as a “lawless paradise.” This description, which has been echoed in the media, is “completely false,” he asserts.
“We remove millions of harmful messages and channels every day,” Durov stated. “We publish daily transparency reports,” citing documents on child exploitation and extremist content. He also mentioned Telegram’s “direct lines” with NGOs for urgent requests.
This portrayal of a platform focused on moderation contrasts sharply with numerous reports that suggest otherwise. Many voices, both in France and abroad, have pointed out how difficult it is to work with the instant messaging service, citing a lack of cooperation.
Telegram’s Moderation Practices Under Fire
While Durov claims that Telegram has dedicated forms and contact emails, as well as an official representative within the European Union, the platform’s reputation for poor cooperation persists. Durov suggests that countries seeking better collaboration should take legal action against the service itself, not its founder.
Durov currently faces several serious allegations. Due to his position within the company and Telegram’s perceived lack of cooperation with administrative and judicial authorities, the Paris prosecutor’s office considers him complicit in numerous infractions. Altogether, twelve grievances have been filed against him.
This is part of what sets Telegram apart from other platforms like YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and Facebook, which are seen as more responsive and cooperative. Transparency reports from these major services often include country-specific statistics, something notably absent from Telegram’s reports.
Yet, Durov, who has been a French citizen since 2021, maintains that he has supported France in its efforts. He claims that “the authorities had many ways to reach me and request assistance.” He further stated that he had “personally helped [authorities] set up a hotline with Telegram to address the terrorist threat in France.”
A Strained Relationship with Authorities
Despite Durov’s assertions, the narrative from those on the ground tells a different story. On September 4th, the French newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné reported that sources within France’s General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) had struggled to obtain any useful information from Telegram, beyond an initial contact to establish a communication channel.
The article noted that while DGSI had reached out to Durov as part of its counterterrorism efforts, they “never managed to secure any real cooperation from him.” Telegram reportedly dismissed their requests, with Durov “doing things his own way.”
Telegram’s Future: Changes on the Horizon?
Durov doesn’t directly address the apparent disconnect between how Telegram operates and how it’s perceived by authorities. He insists that moderation processes are in place and functioning, including collaborations with governments and organizations. Yet, it’s clear that frustration with Telegram’s responsiveness is widespread.
In the final part of his message, Durov acknowledges that as Telegram has grown—now nearing a billion users worldwide—its responsibilities have shifted. He hints that changes might be necessary for the platform’s operations, especially given its expanding user base.
Durov concluded his statement with a promise: “I’ve made it a personal goal to ensure we make significant improvements. We’ve already begun this process internally, and I’ll share more details on our progress with you soon.”
As the platform continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these promised changes will address the concerns raised by authorities and the public alike.