The Mac mini M4 stands out as one of Apple’s finest creations to date, yet it’s not without its minor flaws.
One peculiar aspect that has caught the attention of some is the placement of the WiFi antennas!
WiFi Setup on the Mac mini M4
As observed, the WiFi antenna is positioned underneath the device, likely because signals transmit more effectively through the plastic base than through the aluminum casing, which tends to isolate signals more readily.
During a review of the GEWOKLIY dock ($119 on Amazon), specifically designed for this model, YouTuber MrHTech encountered a significant issue with the WiFi. When the Mac mini was mounted on the dock, the WiFi signal significantly weakened or disappeared altogether:
The metal base of the dock appears to be the culprit behind this signal blockage, indicating that the accessory was perhaps rushed into production without adequate network performance testing.
It seems that the latest version of the dock has addressed much of the issue. However, according to the same YouTuber who conducted more thorough testing, network speeds still fell short when the hub was connected.
In any case, it is strongly advised against obstructing the bottom of the Mac mini M4 with any metallic elements, whether they be docks or aluminum stands, especially since the antennas also handle Bluetooth signals.
Another option is to connect the Mac mini via Ethernet to avoid the uncertainties of WiFi. This makes sense for a stationary device like this, where the unit is seldom moved. Remember, if your home isn’t wired for Ethernet, you could opt for a Powerline networking kit, which is much more reliable and only costs around thirty dollars.