Unleash the Power of Windows 11: EU Users, Your Time Is Coming!

Microsoft’s Copilot for Windows, introduced in March, has been making waves in the tech world. The feature was tested on preview versions of Windows 11 during the summer and, apart from the European Union (EU), made available to all users of the stable version of the operating system in September.

The delay in Copilot’s availability in the EU is due to the region’s stringent data protection laws, which require user consent for data to be shared between services. Functional accessibility of Copilot in the EU is, as of now, officially on hold.

Looking Forward: Changing Dynamics

Microsoft is making strides to address this concern. The situation is expected to change soon as Windows Latest has reported spotting a feature for users to consent to data sharing across Microsoft’s services. Seen first in the August build, this feature has been sighted again in a preview version of the imminent major update 23H2 for Windows 11.

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However, it’s worth noting that this feature is not yet fully functional. It’s anticipated to be operational by the time the 23H2 update is deployed. Once users allow data sharing on Windows 11, they’ll be able to unlock other OS features that are currently restricted in Europe, like the AI-based Start menu recommendations.

Data Sharing and User Consent

For users who do not wish to enable these features, they have the choice to decline the data sharing authorization between Windows and other Microsoft services. It’s important to note, though, that Windows 11 will only seek user consent within the European Economic Area (EEA).

What’s New with Windows 11?

Windows 11 comes with a plethora of new features. The user interface has been redesigned and Snap functionality improved. It also offers effective anchor groups, personalized widgets, and enhanced integration of Microsoft Teams. All these innovations aim at improving the daily user experience on the platform.

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