What’s the Real Reason Behind EU’s Deep Dive into Chinese Electric Car Brands?

What's The Real Reason Behind Eu's Deep Dive Into Chinese Electric Car Brands

An investigation into Chinese electric car manufacturers by the European Commission heightens tension between China and the EU. Brands such as BYD, Geely, and SAIC are currently under close scrutiny. Chinese Brands Under Investigation The European Commission launched a thorough investigation into Chinese electric car manufacturers in October, expected to last 13 months. Specifically, popular … Read more

Will the EU Ban Solar Products Linked to Forced Labor?

Will The Eu Ban Solar Products Linked To Forced Labor

The European Commission is taking a firm stance against forced labor, aiming to prevent any products, even those partially produced by forced labor, from being imported into the EU. However, the solar energy industry, a field with major ongoing projects, is pushing back, advocating for a softer approach. Resistance from the Solar Energy Industry The … Read more